I ran into this old podcast today and wanted to share it with my readers. I actually had someone asking me the other day what a podcast was. What a great chance to share this podcast from 20 years ago. This done back when Google was getting it’s start and new internet tech was just being developed.
I was ranked in the Top 50 Podcasts in the world back in the day. I was also the first to embed audio and video into my podcast network. We also had to use music that wasn’t on the charts or monetized through normal publishing networks. PodSafe music was the normal back in those days. I had so much fun looking for mashups and new music busting it online. I really had fun building my shows. Finding this remnant was a joy to listen to again. Back then you would just find a Link like this to press to listen to the Podcast. Click to Listen to Black Hills Podcast Then we started developing code to enbed an actual player to just press and listen like this one below.
One of the cool things about podcasts was the RSS feeds. That was a way to embed a RSS feed on your page and you could subscribe to podcasts with this cool little feature and never have to go back to their page. You would automatically get a new podcast as it was published. You could do this with your podcast device often lead by Apple tech but was dominated by other tech that was trying to beat the large technology out of the newly created silicon valley.