“To know the truth is to search for the truth.” – Scott L. Prentice 01/23/2025
I ran across this video on X today and screen recorded it and posted it to YouTube to share with you. This short video you are about to watch is spot on in many ways with one small exception, that I will get into after the video. But for those seeking truth check out this video.
The creator of this video unknown to me refers to deceptions and to Jesus, yet may be just as deceived as those who he’s speaking to. Here me out:
Yahoshua said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life” “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6)
Christ said, “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32

“Jesus” was NOT His name, as this video creator uses. Much like those he points out as the deceivers and those being deceived. Let’s stop playing church, first.
FACT: There was no letter “J” until about 400 years ago. So, how can that be his Holy Name. With over 500 plus references in the Bible to use his Holy name, don’t you think we should start there? Was Jesus His name?
I’ve been a Truth seeker since childhood. I’ve been off the track many times, however nothing has steered me more or changed my course than understanding the real name of my Lord and Savior. I wrote a pretty good explanation about this here: The Real Name of Jesus.
Now back to the video you just watched. As CEO and Founder of BioChecked™ for the last 13 years, I’ve dedicated my time and resources to under standing DNA and it’s mutilation. Science “Man” has spent the last century trying to modify or change the very code of life that was put in all living things. From GMO to CRISPR and now nano bots and transhumanism, the very essence of humanity is and has been under attack by evil.
You have to ask yourself this one simple question, why would people who are determined to never eat a Genetically Modified or GMO food product stand in line to be genetically modified by a shot? That is exactly what happened during Covid. Was this a deception on the whole planet?

I don’t have all the answers nor do I pretend to be an expert, however I’ve spent a majority of my life trying to warn people about this simple issue that this video is trying to get across. Like many before me, the music artist Prince was on to something and it may have lead to his death.
The video above talks about how many will be deceived, I believe this deception started a long time ago.
Christ pointed to many who would come to deceive in His Name. Just look to all the Pope’s or the last ditch effort by the liberal Bishop who administered her tirade towards President Trump and Vise President JD Vance the day after the 2025 Inauguration. Was she trying to deceive under Christ’s name?
I believe many leaders in the church today are following the same deceptive manners that Apostle Paul used to persuade his followers to follow him, most of which were not Yahoshua’s way. I will probably catch a lot of flack for this, but study what Christ said (usually written in red) and what the Apostle Paul said, which was contrary to our Lord. Not all but some of what Paul said is good stuff, loving and kind. But you only need a drop of poison to contaminate the glass of water or word of God. (Don’t drink the kool-aid!) the saying goes. Paul was the 13th apostle, not the Twelfth. After Judas (12th) killed himself the deciples appointed Matthias and Paul becaim the self proclaimed 13th. In Revelations towards the end the new city descends to earth and their are 12 foundation stones with the names of the Apostles on them. Who’s names are on them. There can only be 12. Now, go read Revelations 2. The only apostle that went to Ephesus was Paul.
Much of what I’m talking about can be researched on my page www.ProblemsWithPaul.com
In closing I leave you with this:
Matthew 7:7-8
- “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you”
- “For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and the one who knocks, the door will be opened”
I just discovered today after many years that Douglas’s site Jesus Words Only is back online. That is a real blessing and I would encourage everyone to visit it for further research on Apostle Paul.