What is ESG? Is ESG dangerous? Is ESG mandatory? Is ESG Capital Blackmail?
I hope to answer these questions below. I’ve found some very good videos also to provide insight and video proof of what I’m talking about. Stay with me here.
5/31/2023 // This is a developing story all updates will be posted with date stamps.
6/17/2023 // Elon Musk, “ESG Stocks are Evil”

The main focus of this article is to try and show my readers and friends the horrible consequences to ESG and it’s relationship to Stakeholder Capitalism that are Fascism and out right Marxist.
6/21/2023 – ESG is quickly imploding as a functional ideology for the corporate world and asset managers like BlackRock. This headline is going to become reality faster than you can make a cupcake. It wasn’t two weeks ago I was telling a friend that BlackRock was walking on thin ice with fiduciary relationships. Back in the late 80s I was dealing extensively with fiduciary relationship law in South Dakota. As a real estate broker you also have fiduciary relationships to who you represent. I was working then on setting up an exclusive buyer’s brokerage firm. That’s when I deep dived the law and developed a great understanding of fiduciary relationships. I would only believe the legal beagle machine is sharpening their pencils for pursuing this ridiculous ESG idiology, as they did back in the late 80s against real estate agents breaking their fiduciary responsibilities.

6/17/23 Honestly, I can’t believe how fast ESG is taking over every corporation. I can’t find any that aren’t taking on this new platform as some new “We smell and look pretty” cosmetic like putting lipstick on a pig.”
Even some of the most toxic companies in many industries like mining and pharmaceuticals are agreeing to these new Marxist cover-ups. I recently seen one of these leading gold industry mining companies boasting of their ESG acceptance policies by saying, “We are planting Mari-Golds around our community” while hosting one of the states largest arsenic and cyanide sludge ponds in the area. – That’s ESG!

Larry Fink is a large supporter of Stakeholder Capitalism and ESG.
These ideas are a manifestation of Marxist control for gender identity politics, climate change activism as in acceptable practice and policy. This is a mandated federal guideline, to say the least. This is being manifested through the SEC for public traded companies and Biden’s WOKE progressive policies for federal guidelines which are not punishable if not maintained.
Many CEO’s are making conscience decisions to activate ESG policies and empower new diversity and inclusion programs and mandates which become contrary to America’s constitutional freedoms and ideals.
Read about Florida’s New Anti-ESG Law and the rest of the states that are following.
6/1/2023 – This video show cases the ESG spotlight on Blackrock: (follow along)
There are a many in the industry of big tech, law, and assets management and etc who may actually like it and be profiting off this new tyrannical, inclusive, social, governance bureaucracy. I will show you below the multiple states that are passing their own laws to stop these ESG ratings.
Update: 6/2/23 Just found this Must Watch video that Highlights BlackRocks control with ESG:
Read below and listen to what these people are saying and doing? Are you wanting this? This is insanity!
June 1, 2023 – The more I research for this article, the more it appears this ESG is like a cancer on humanity and growing deeper intertwined into the very fabric of society leading to the demise of its victim.
Trish lays down what is causing these major corporate brands to meltdown by telling telling us in three little letters ESG, listen:
This is ESG. ESG is what caused Target to become #1 In the name in this rapper’s #1 song title. (Discussed in video above) Think about that. But keep following me here. This next video and graphic are from the ESG industry created by the SEC.
By the way, I am not suicidal. I am family man, very happy and not on any medications of any kind.

Here after reading this article on what this is all about and why would they keep accelerating this death spiral? First off, many are just starting to implement these new rules and many of you are just starting to see these ideals being pushed front and center or thrown in your face. These policies are from up the chain of policy pushers.
Keep reading. By the way, many of these CEO’S are all in on with this while some don’t have a clue it would have such an effect or had such an effect. However, I have to believe most of the citizens haven’t a clue, while many moma’s bears are shutting down Target to protect their children and few good men said “No more!” to Bud Light. These where natural reactions to free markets based on bad decisions from ESG policies in corporations.
If you want to stop Communism today, our first line of defense is #Boycott ESG verified corporations! Specially, those who put these progressive policies front and center like Target, Bud Light, Disney, and now Chick-Fil-A. That lets them know just how powerful the free market purse actually is. It’s like voting, but no election interference. Here listen to Larry Fink, President of Blackrock describe how he’s sees it from on top of one of the most powerful corporations in the world.
Democracy- This is Larry Fink CEO of Black Rock. They don’t like democracy, it’s messy. They like
Digital ID
15 minute cities
Food control, weather control, climate control
Social Credit, ESG (Stakeholder Capitalism).
Here Listen to this prediction from 1958 :
Mind Blowing 1958 Speech of Robert Welch Who Predicts Insiders Plan To Destroy America And How to Combat Anti-American Conspirators.
Im not the only one who believes all of this leads to Larry Fink, here is a link New York Post blaming him for same thing:
Totalitarian Control over all humans They think they rule you.

Keep reading, these are screen shots of what’s going on.

The reason it’s good, is because their are other’s making money. And others enjoying the policy change to climate change and inclusivity of all including Transgender and what ever comes with that. They, them, he, her Hershe? You get this. This is forced ideology policy onto the corporate world. Like here:

And Here:

Again, this isn’t about gay Pride and rainbows, that’s about LGB. Transgender is a whole new “ball” game. And I have to say right here, this isn’t about gay, lesbian, bi or even transgender for that matter. Those are just vehicles “they” are using, to make change and gain control. Granted I support the boycotts wholeheartedly. But for a deeper purpose to expose the root corruption. It’s not underneath either, this, it’s above like globalist elites. Keep reading:

And this…

I know for a fact that the following conservative candidates for President know exactly the horrible consequences to ESG. (Underscored in red).

For an example, Ron DeSantis recently pulled out over 1.5 billion dollars in Blackrock from Florida’s investment fund. I am seeing or noticing in my research that Blackrock may vary well be the energy to this whole movement and may very well be benefiting from its use.
ESG is a mandatory concept from the SEC governing board for public corporations. I will show an exhausted listed of the states that are writing laws to ban ESG below.
- Alabama
- Alaska
- Arkansa
- Florida
- Georgia
- Indiana
- Idaho
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Montana
- Nebraska
- New Hampshire
- North Dakota
- Ohio
- South Carolina
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
- Virginia
- West Virginia
- Wyoming