Spike Proteins Enter Heart

The following is a partial transcript from the video above:

 Here on the left we see a sample of a healthy heart muscle tissue with regularly oriented and aligned heart muscle fibers on the right we see a heart muscle sample from one of the oxygen’s the muscle fibers are destrointed and disintegrating and they are surrounded by invading live sites berkhardt found myer predatos in multiple of his deceased patients on the right hand side we see the lung tissue overrun by lymph sites the air filled spaces have largely disappeared and have been filled with scar connective tissue this vaccine injected patient would obviously have a very difficult time breathing olympicitic implication inflammation and destruction We’re also observed in many other organs including the brain deliver the spleen Spike protein in a bronchial biopsy 9 months after vaccination this slide shows a sample of bronchial mucous membrane from a patient who is alive but has suffered respiratory symptoms ever since being vaccinated we see several cells in the uppermost cell layet in the uppermost cell layer that strongly express spike protein and this even 9 months after his most recent vaccine ejection well this is indeed the most extreme case of long lasting expression there is evidence both from berkhardt’s autopsies and from published studies on blood samples or lymph node biopsies to indicate that expression does last several months so here’s the summary of the paper The evidence presented here clearly demonstrates a chain of causation causation from the vaccine injection to rapid distribution of the vaccine throughout the bloodstream causation between the vaccine injection to widespread spike protein expression predominantly From the vaccine ejection to auto immune like inflammation and organ damage vaccine induced vascular damage will promote blood clotting and clotting related diseases such as heart attack stroke lung embolism overall these vaccines can no longer be considered experimental the experiment has resulted in the disaster that many medical doctors and scientists predicted from the onset hair but a really interesting report just came out this weekend by doctor bakti and doctor Michael Palmer and I wanted to cover this this was published on the doctors for covid ethics website and this is hot off the press vascular and organ damage induced by MR and a vaccines irrefutable proof of causality Povid epics.org so I’ll put the link down below I’m really trying to raise awareness that this article exists so people can start sharing it although put some lakes down below to videos that I find very interesting for doctor bakti and his colleagues talking about auto immunity issues like lymphocite amoc but let’s dive in through the support it says this article summarizes evidence from experimental studies from autopsies of patients deceased after vaccination the collective findings demonstrate MRA vaccines don’t stay at the injection site but instead travel throughout the body and accumulate in various organs number 2MR and a based covid vaccines induce long lasting expression of the source copy to spike protein in many organs number 3 vaccine induced expression of the spike protein induces auto immune like inflammation number 4 vaccine induced inflammation can cause grave organ damage especially in vessels sometimes with deadly outcome so they talked about the damage mechanism and they think it might not just be limited to the covid 19 vaccines but rather do the With mrna vaccines against any and all infectious pathogens and pathogens and doctors Palmer and doctor here call for an abandonment of what they call a failed technology so this paper will discuss some key findings on autopsy materials from patients who die within days to several months after vaccination so the article starts out by sourcing most of the evidence here to doctor Burkhart doctor Burkhart was approached by the families of patients deceased after vaccination autopsy materials were examined by standard history mythology and amino histochemistry based on the findings most deaths were attributed to vaccination with a high to very high degree of likelihood professor Burkhart is a very experienced cathologist from Germany with the help of his colleague professor Lang he has studied numerous cases of death which occurred within days to months after the vaccination in each of these cases the cause of death has been certified as natural Boys doubted these verdicts and saw the 2nd opinion it is remarkable therefore that Burke heart found not just a few but the majority of these deaths to be due to the vaccination while all 4 major manufacturers of gene based vaccines were represented in the sample of patients studied by Burkhart and Lang most of the patients had received an mri vaccine for me their fights are or Madonna and some of the deceased patients had received both MR and a and viral vector based vaccines on separate occasions so the paper starts off with a little bit of background here fizer’s own animal experiments show that the vaccine quickly distributes throughout the body in order to cause potentially lethal damage the MRA vaccines must 1st distribute from the ejection site to other organs that such distribution occurs is apparent from animal experiments reported by fizer 2 Japanese authorities rats were injected intramuscularly with a radioactively labeled model MR and a vaccine and the movements of the radio label 1st into the bloodstream and subsequently into various organs Time within only a quarter of an hour the plasma level peaks 2 hours after the injection as it drops off the model vaccine accumulates in several other organs the fastest and highest rise is observed in the liver and the splint very high uptake is also observed with the ovaries and the adrenal glance other organs including the test use take up significantly lower levels of the model vaccine we note however that at least the blood vessels will be exposed and affected in every organ and in every tissue the rapid and widespread distribution of the model vaccine implies that we must expect expression of the spike protein throughout the body for a more independent discussion of this biodistribution study see Palmer 2021 B Expression of viral proteins can be detected with the muno history while the distribution of the model vaccine leads us to expect widespread expression of the spike protein we are here after solid proof If a vaccine particle composed of the spike including mri coded with lipids enters a body cell this will cause the spike protein to be synthesized within the cell and then taken to the cell’s surface there it can be recognized by a spike specific antibody after washing the tissue specimen to remove unbound antibody molecules the bound ones can be detected with a secondary antibody that is coupled with some enzyme often horse ratish peroxidates after another washing step the specimen is incubated with a water soluble precursor die that is converted by the enzyme to an insoluble Brown pigment each enzyme molecule can rapidly convert a large number of dime molecule which greatly amplifies the signal at the top rate of the image you can see 2 cells which were exposed to the fizer vaccine and then subjected to the protocol outlined above the intense Brown stain indicates that the cells were indeed producing the spiked protein Not only in clinical pathology but also in research it could have readily been used to detect widespread expression of spike protein and animal trials during preclinical development however it appears that the FDA and other regulators never received or demanded such experimental data expression of spike protein and shoulder muscle after vaccine ejection this line by doctor Burkhart shows deltoid muscle fibers in cross-section several but not all of the finers show strong Brown pigmentation again indicating spike protein expression wealthy