Could you imagine building a house on a Gold Mine? Literally, in the most heavenly place on earth? In the clouds on some days..
The idea here is that you already see the value in the peace and serenity with the trees and trillion dollar views above ground in the 9 acre beautiful hilltop secluded land, now imagine discovering a vein 16 feet thick and producing .195 oz per ton below ground. A 100 ton truck would haul about $34,320 per truck load of this delicious dirt. A 16′ x 100′ x 1500′ formation is like 74 million dollars. That was just announced not a mile away! (See Report Below)
Hold On… I’m not talking about you digging a hole. Not at all. I’m talking about when you lived 30 years on this property and gold has now reached $6800. an oz, your 9 acre jewelry box is full of this beatiful p€if Precambrian iron formation. They will buy this box from you for what ever you want. So sit back and enjoy your life and just know what you are sitting on. It is called a “Reserve in the industry – Proven and Probable”. – I don’t know if it ever has to be mined. We just know it’s there, if we need it. Someone will get it someday, for sure!
I bought this land when Homestake closed because Gold fell below $300.00 an oz. and today’s price of $1772.00 shows no signs of slowing down. I’ve always expected to see $4k in my life.
Anyway, this is a fun and exciting area to live in. Hiking, Biking, Camping, Treasure Hunting and Gold Exploration!
Geological Survey Circular 699 (1974)
Gold In the Black Hills of South Dakota, and How New Deposits Might Be Found
Stay with me here! This is a pretty easy explanation of the Geological Deposits in the Black Hills and those that contain GOLD! Now I got your attention. Seriously, this has some of the best records of the Homestake Formation in Precambrian iron-formations. Fog Lode is pure “Precambrian Iron Formation” don’t take my word for it. I only drilled down 400′ and built a 4000 Sq ft house on it. I was happy with what I seen. At that time.
Recently, I ran across this 22 page PDF that I’m very excited to see that it included the general area of Fog Lode’s location and geological formations are addressed in this circular very clearly.
The Precambrian is the earliest part of Earth’s history, set before the current Phanerozoic Eon. The Precambrian is so named because it preceded the Cambrian, the first period of the Phanerozoic Eon, which is named after Cambria, the Latinised name for Wales, where rocks from this age were first studied.
You will become very knowledgeable just about these wonderful rock formations in our geological record.
Download: Gold in the Black Hills of South Dakota
I’ve added the Map page with Fog Lode pointed out for your reference.
I’m going to give you my perspective of potential gold value on this property. This is only speculation of course.
The general area from above:
To be located in the Black Hills Golden Triangle is pretty spectacular. (Fog Lode is located in the Blue Balloons below)
Richmond Hill Area (This is where Fog Lode is located)
Richmond Hill Mine 172,000 oz $302,720,000 (Closed Mine)
Wharf Area
Wharf Mine – 2021 – 91,136 oz Gold $161 Million a year at todays price.
Probably equal amount in Silver 95000 oz. or $2.5 Million a year
Proven and Probable Reserves 2021 – 852,000 oz (What’s in the Ground) (1.49 Billion Dollars)
Bald Mountain – 836,000 oz (1.47 Billion Dollars)
Homestake Area
Homestake Mine – 43.9 Million oz of Gold in it’s life. (Roughly 18,677 Gallons!) or $77,527,400,000 (Billion) Total at today’s gold.
I get asked all the time is there gold on this property. My answer is always, “Absolutely!” How much will be for time to tell. Today, you can do pretty good if you know your geological data. Provided Here!
A town now worn around your finger!
This was the last building in Trojan to go:
Alvin Carlson was the very last man to leave Trojan and was the longest living resident of Trojan also. Alvin was a very dear friend and I was so blessed to have known him. He was a One Man Town. I might add he left his home on Trojan a very, very happy man.

Knowing Alvin and getting to hear stories that are older than dirt, laughing, crying,. …is priceless!
To be continued..