Several years ago I read an interesting article of a gentleman taking pure maple syrup and putting it on the stove, heating it up slowly and mixing in baking soda to cure his cancer.
Story Update: Very Important information and link below on what is being called Fenben below, but I recommend all cancer patients to become aware now. Follow this link and check out question and answers on video. I would also suggest joing a Fenbendazol group on Facebook to get some background and hear some success stories.
From what I can remember in the article the gentleman cured his cancer with just maple sugar and this simple system of adding baking soda . Now many years later I have family members with cancer so what do I recommend? Maple syrup and Baking Soda. Now that was long before Google and what you call internet MDs. So today I thought I would do a little research and this is what I discovered:
I Google searched maple syrup and baking soda to cure cancer and this is what it said Follow this link. That’s right The NIH site itself the National Institute of Health shows that maple syrup alone is good to fight cancer but read it for yourself.
Then the very next one was also an NIH article on baking soda being the magic bullet to fight cancer Read all about it right here.
I remember when I read the article the first time several years ago and I made up the concoction myself on my stove top. It tasted kind of nasty but I still consumed a tablespoon a day for a week. I think I ended up throwing it away but I’ll never know to this day whether I was killing cancer or not. Thank God, except for a bout with basal carcinoma, I’ve been cancer free. If you DO use this formula, this gentleman recommends that you starve your body of all carbohydrates and sugars prior to starting this treatment. Most if not all, cancers thrive on sugars and if you starve your body of these sugars prior to treatment then the cancers are more than likely to gobble up the maple syrup, which in turn, along with the baking soda will kill the cancer cells.
I had cancer, I would definitely do some more research on maple syrup and baking soda to get rid of it! I’m still doing research to see if I can find the original article of the gentleman that discovered this formula and and his results for this article.
I discovered that Tullio Simoncini was the gentleman who became known for the maple syrup and baking soda therapy.
I thought it was very interesting that his treatment and therapy being rejected because there were no studies.

Of course the medical community is going to deny any good treatment that’s inexpensive to treat cancer, they would rather us pay millions of dollars to get cured with a bunch of toxic crap that will continue to destroy our bodies, right along with the cancer. The medical community would lose millions of dollars and people would be unemployed if this treatment works but but what does a person have to lose.
I have also been told of another treatment a woman in Montana that took Fenbendazol. She claims that she was completely cured 100% of all cancer and even made a report to the medical board in Montana, now I’ve never confirmed this report nor have talked to this woman but just heard from a friend who knows her.
This is the lead article on Fenbendazol
This treatment is a dewormer and people in the know, believe that cancer is some sort of a parasite. You can find research papers about cancer being some sort of a fungi. So I could see it being possible that maybe a dewormer could attack even a fungi.
I’m also going to drop this link here about this Compound X2 which is also supposed to help skin cancers or completely remove them. I haven’t tried this but I’ve heard some wonderful things about how it kills the cancer by traveling down the roots then they just pull them out like a tree being pulled out of the earth by it’s roots. Sounds quite disgusting but if it works this could be something very interesting also So follow this link for more information.

Anyway, I wanted to drop these two on my website and forward it to my family members. Hopefully, they find something here interesting or do some reading and research on their own.
We live in a marvelous world and I know that our Creator is a wonderful God, He wants to and has given us everything that we need to cure ourselves of sickness. I also believe that prayer is the number one method of healing that God has given us. I also believe based on my own testimony and witness of ‘laying on of hands’ while praying for those that are sick, have the most profound effect on all illness, including being raised from the dead.
I pray for everybody to have the best health and if you’ve read this article and find it interesting or helpful please drop me a line.
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Lastly, yes you can live forever or eternally, you simply must believe in our Great Redeemer, Yahoshua, and show Him you love Him by following His commands.
Yahoshua says: “If you love Me, keep My commandments … He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me … If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him.” John 14:15-24. ~ Shalom
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