In conclusion is just an incredible video. I have posted many videos and stories (Over 480) since the beginning of 2020 and thousands prior, and none have been more conclusive and as important of our actual history as the following old video documentary portrays and documents.
I have titled it “In Conclusion…” so as not to become click-bate traffic and as my closing remarks from the several I’ve posted to “Red Pill” those who just don’t see the actual history of where we are today.
Understanding “Red Pilled”:
Footnote: I’ve spent the better part of the last three years posting warnings and documented proof American’s and the world for that matter have been played. My own research and actual evidence that I’ve experienced have lead me to dig deeper into all these issues and find the truth to keep me and my friends alive. I’ve given up all my passions in art and photography to spread this awareness that American’s have been played. (Another series I feel plays vitally into the understanding of where we are at.) I personally don’t have any children so these warnings are for your children. I care deeply that all humanity, all races, all animals, all plants and insects stay healthy and alive and happy.
My site is being regularly viewed by approximately 100 people a day (35,000/yr), I would like you to help make that just one more. I make zero money from my efforts to “open the eyes of the world”, so please share this incredible video.
I would encourage everyone after viewing this documentary to go back into my archives of posts on this category to dig deeper of how we came to where we are today. I’ve posted extensively on these issues that bring this documentary up to date. This is the link to do further research that I’ve posted on this topic.
Please share this Page Link with friends and family. (This video size exceeded my server limits, so I’ve had to post this on YouTube, so I’m uncertain how long it will remain there.)
Now, “In Conclusion”:
Just to add a little fuel to this fire I’ve screen shot an email I just received. If you have been following along you will know this has been the largest killer of humans in the past 3 years. Does it make sense yet?
FDA Approves Remdesivir In Kindey Patients after Failed Trial

Keep going down the Rabbit Hole:
OUT OF SHADOWS <- All Roads Lead Here!