I published this video because over 15 years ago my Lord spoke to me to buy a shofar. But I didn’t understand why and I was disobedient. I waited many more years after hearing His Voice quietly reminding me over the years of my disobedience.
Im not normally this disobedient to my Lord’s voice, but sometimes I wait for confirmation.
Then this spring His Voice became louder as if commanding. So I purchased one online from Israel. I still hadn’t heard from Him as to when to blow it, so it has sat on my dining room counter for several months as I’ve prayed and spoke to God in my daily conversations of when, how and where?

Today, I heard His voice through this man’s voice.

I find it quite compelling that he even put a clue into his video it was the Shofar. I circled it in Red.
I did see the movie Sound of Freedom on opening night in our local theater and would encourage you to go also and take a friend.
There is no doubt that we are in the last days.
I would please ask that visitors please share this page link and or content with family, friends or repost to your social media to help spread this News. I DO NOT make any money from my journal/blog or time sharing this content. I’m not paid or an have sponsors. I’m a citizen of this planet and of these United States only. I do this with my passion to protect humanity, so help me God! My oath as a veteran to the USA will never expire. – Scott Prentice
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