DUSEL – Ice Cube Neutrino Detection or Weapon – I’m a little confused?
Let me explain, today I discovered this video:
After watching this video I decided to go to their website. https://icecube.wisc.edu/
While on their website I discovered this photograph which clearly show a celebrated event by Ice Cube staff.

I’m clearly no partical or astrophysicist, but I lived in Lead South Dakota when the Deep Underground Science Laboratory DUSEL was founded now called the Sanford Underground Research Facility.
I remember an experiment that they did trying to detect a Neutrino that was fired by some sort of gun (a partial accelerator) from CHICAGO called DUNE See Here.

Anyway, the DUSEL was formed when the then defunct Homestake Mine as in gold mine walked away from a 2 mile deep underground gold mine that still had an old 1960’s Neutrino lab still underground. The state of South Dakota gained control of the mine shaft and quickly realized it was going to take millions of dollars to keep it from filling up with water. They quickly transitioned the lab to the National Science Foundation.
After a little research I found Eric Hecker’s full testimony at The Disclosure Project here:
I have no idea what, why or who is building all these research labs, chasing little ghost particles but the cost has to be astronomical. (Pun intended)
Shooting of Neutrinos causes major stur in physics. Was Einstein wrong?