As a US Army vet that went into the Army in 1979 to serve my county, I’ve been following this story now for almost 50 years. I was only 12 when Jane Fonda went to Vietnam, but I am very familiar to many of the stories and the wounded veterans who came home.
Tangent in time: I remember clearly my family in 1968 – 1972 supporting the US Troops in Vietnam. Every Thanksgiving my mother and her lady friends would go around getting donations like candy, Kool Aide, Toothbrushes, tooth paste, etc. or whatever they could find in large quantitiesthat they might enjoy in their packs. Then as a group we would fill up shoe boxes as Christmas gifts for the troops. One of mom’s friends would put them on militaryflights going back to Vietnam. We got letters back and mom would read them to the group. One of their favorite gifts they all loved where our candy Christmas wreaths. These were a simple wire coat hanger made into a circle, then was tightly wrapped with Brach’s red cinnamon candy all the way around. Then packaged up to be sent along with Christmas cards and shoe boxes.
Anyway, These are the I stories I remember about communist Jane Fonda:
Her communist rhetoric hasn’t changed, only the history has. Liberal, communist news has always used their propaganda to protect their actors.

Communist Hanoi Jane is still at it today!