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House Subcommittee Report on Covid 19 – Download PDF Full Report
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7:34 PM
At about the study that just came out of Sweden. That is just so alarming. The news is buzzing out of uh, London University malmo Sweden. Marcus Alden is the first author, The first demonstration in a human A hepatic or liver cell line that the Pfizer vaccine in fact, reverse transcribes and installs, DNA into the human genome. Wow. And so in simple terms, what does that mean? Dr? Bartlett, thank you for making it simple. So basically, uh, there’s an enzyme that can take that messenger RNA Um, vaccine information and put it into the DNA of the person into their DNA and we were told that could not happen. So this is in a lab but it’s showing that the D you remember the vaccine is messenger RNA. Yeah. And we were told that that messenger RNA could not go into your DNA but this is showing that in in a lab it can. And so what happens when it does? Well, can I answer slightly different than any questions? Yeah so the one of the fun things about the last couple years being a doctor. And Laura is this is a very interesting opportunity and I think we’re going to be bringing another lawsuit because there’s actually federal law that you cannot discriminate against people for genetic genetic discriminations? I forgot the acronym. I think it’s a gene and GINA, right? So this now opens the door to saying that if you’re not allowing somebody in who chose not to get the shot that you actually engaging in genetic discrimination. So I think there’s this Sweden study. I think opens the door to a new type of lawsuit. If you’re pregnant and you have this done, can that then affect your baby? Yes, Cece. This is the alarming Finy, Dc says on his website very explicitly, this will not change your DNA. The paper that came on a suite now, they’ll be many more to confirm it and the steps are to a confirm it to confirm that. The entire code is installed. And then to actually confirm that, it’s expressed meaning that the spike protein now is continuously expressed from Human cells, but because the lipid nanoparticle are taken up everywhere, that means somatic cells in your organs, but also your gameto sites, actually, the cells that actually are the sperm and the egg, if they are carrying it, that indeed means that, in fact, it could be passed to the daughter cells, so that could be open up for birth defects. And yes, and