Larson Storm Door – Door Handle – Review
👎 – If I could give Larson a negotiate 5 stars on this product I would. However, Lowe’s needs the same shame as Larson.

As a professional handyman, this totally pissed me off. I had a client who’s Larson Storm Door needed a new mech/door handle. I made a special trip to Lowe’s to pick up a new set. Upon arrival I went right back to the storm doors and right in the middle of the isle there was only one desplay rack and it happened to be exactly what I needed so I I compared the picture I had of customer’s door handle. ( Notice the price!). I identified the right handle briefly looked at the package and headed to counter to pay. Got to my customer’s home opened the package and took out the contents. I took off their lock and started to exchange the set. It was identical. I was looking for the mechanics of the lock? Where did it go, did I misplace the actual mechanical guts of this THING? I looked everywhere, then decided to look at package closer. Just handles? WTF? Who sells the keys, handles, and faceplate with no mechanical guts? Larson does. I went back to Lowe’s to see if they are on the back of the rack or located somewhere else? Nope! Just a big display with handles? WTF? What company rep or engineer decided this was a good idea? I talked to a Lowe’s rep to see if I was missing something? They said, nope you have to order the mechanics on Larson’s website.
I did go to their website and sure enough there it was door handles along with mech inside (Complete Kit) for $81.32
This is insanity. They (Larson) wasted my trips to Lowe’s. About $150 in wasted time. Plus I had to put the bad door handle back on. I took the incomplete handle kit back to Lowe’s and told them there was a missing part and they gladly gave my money back. So I just have to wait for the new part to arrive from Larson Doors.
I don’t know if this is just stupidity on Larson Doors part or some kind of con game to just sell door handles twice, but someone at Larson needs to go down the door handle isle at Lowe’s and see how many door handle lock sets don’t come with the guts! (None) Shame on you Larson! At least have the guts available with your door handle rack.
Until I see this changed and I’m refunded $200 for lost time, this story will remain active.
Larson Storm Door Review will remain a negative 5 Stars by this professional handyman.