I discovered this great voice and song writer. Joanna Mathers
Long story/short – I should show you just exactly how I discovered this new voice. But first, I’m going to let you play her best song or my favorite song of hers.
But follow along after, how I found it.
This young prodigy truly is redefining contemporary music.
She is totally talking my lauguage of personal struggles with our own minds, specially in times like we are all going through right now. I’m sure all of us are struggling in one way or another. Maybe it hit a nerve, I don’t know but here are the lyrics as you listen again. Joanna Mathers

Strawberry lips, blueberry eyes
An ego trip, that’s got her feelin’ so fine
Manipulator, instigator, see you later
| feel you lying, know you’re hiding, just this one thing
(CHORUS) Beauty is a piece of mind, that’s why she’s a psycho Nothing like humankind, going through cycles, cycles
Oh, oh, oh, oh
She don’t believe that she’s alright
Tossing and turning | can’t sleep through the night Complicating, aggravating, it’s you she’s hating You’re denying, justifying, doing the right thing
Beauty is a piece of mind, that’s why she’s a psycho Nothing like humankind, going through cycles, cycles You’re crazy everytime you lie, because you’re a psycho Holding everything inside, going through cycles, cycles
You’re tryna find the answers in all the lights and pouring rain
Can’t describe the consequences, that is why you’re afraid
Beauty is a piece of mind, that’s why she’s a psycho Nothing like humankind, going through cycles, cycles
Beauty is a piece of mind, that’s why she’s a psycho Nothing like humankind, going through cycles, going through cycles
You’re crazy everytime you lie, because you’re a psycho Holding everything inside, going through cycles, cycles She’s a psycho
——- Right? It’s Good isn’t it? ————-
Keep following along..
So now let me tell you how I ran into this hit song. I was watching some YouTube shorts and this clip showed up on my feed.
So, then I said, Wow! who is that? I had to find out then I started to dig. It lead me to this one next.
Thats how come I had to share. What a voice! Good luck Joanna Mathers. I wish you the best to the top of the charts. Hang on!
Just remember, I seen you first and hope you go -Platinum! 8/27/2023 ~ Scott Prentice
This lead me to this Australian Artist who has another Gold nugget, just listen (What a story of heartbreak and hope) – Dean Lewis:
Dean Lewis is helping so many people get through one of the hardest times in life. We all are experiencing these times and feelings (Special Note: Read the comments on this YouTube Video) Dean is helping us all to let out our feelings. Thank you Dean and Joanna.
Please share!
This is Dean Lewis’s original Video:
Just Hold The Light!