Back in the third grade Mr. Nelson had this really nice little pond just on the other side of his house. My dad made it very clear don’t you dare even go near that pond.. No reason , no context, no explanation. A direct order from my father.

“Obey it or suffer the consequences. ” I always thought of my dad was a giant, but I suppose all third graders did.  It was a logical conclusion, to obey.

Now most of the neighborhood kids went and swam at Mr. Nelson’s pond. I could hear, everyone could hear the kids shrills and screams of excitement and laughter all summer long coming from Mr. Nelson’s pond.

Now Rocqui Philips the hottest 3rd grade girl in the world. Blue eyes and blonde hair down to her butt. She enjoyed going to Mr. Nelson’s pond to swim with the other kids.

I really had a thing for Rocqui. She made her braces in that beautiful smile, sparkle. I couldn’t stand it. I could hear her laughter in my mind all night and day long. She got to enjoy the pond with all the other boys. She asked me to come to the pond all the time. Then one day she asked me, “How come I didn’t come to the pond.”

I said, “My father.”

She asked, How come your father won’t let you?

I said, because I didn’t know. But thought to myself, it’s because he never likes to have fun.

It really, bothered me. It bothered me I didn’t really know why my father didn’t let me go to the pond. I kinda laughed to myself too, thinking dad probably knows how bad of a swimmer I am. But, I respected dad’s order, for now.

Now, I’m hearing about a new rope swing has been installed at Nelson’s pond and everyone is going. It’s the #1 kids hangout and I have an idiot for a dad who never likes to lets us kids have fun.

Dad, had polio after he got out of the service in Korea. So he never liked dancing, playing ball or other fun physical activity. Dad would show up with my mom, as his girlfriend or wife to these functions, then some guy would always steel his girl and go dance. I think it must of really hurt to always see your girl friend dancing with other guys and having fun.

I snuck out once that summer to go over to the pond. It was really nice. I didn’t go swimming, just busy talking with everyone. Everybody asked where I’d been? I said, “Workin.”

That was a real tough summer for me. Rocqui spent all summer with the guys at the pond. I made some extra cash working all summer. But, I was still very upset at dad. Well school had started and everyone was talking about their summer at the pond. It sounded like such a blast. I missed so much that summer.

Winter had come and the pond was now frozen. The boys in my class were building a ice skating rink at Nelson’s pond.

Later on that night, I asked dad, kind of jokingly, “Is it OK to go skating at Nelson’s pond?

“Absolutely!” he replied.

His, response surprised the heck out of me.

I actually, waited for awhile for the “NOT!”

But it never came.

I said, “thanks!” and moved on. I Thought I won a victory, I thought I should just shut my mouth and move on, before he remembers what he said this summer.

I didn’t care what his reason was, I just new he didn’t like anyone having fun.

I walked away.

My dad stopped me!

He said, thanks! Thanks for listening to him. He said he was talking to one of our neighbors and apparently several of the kids got sicker than shit this summer from the pond, he said. He said it didn’t surprise him, since Mr. Nelson’s septic drains right into that pond. He said, kids where lucky not to have died from that shit.

I said, “You bet!” And kept walking.

That little giggle inside me returned. I never did say anything to the other kids.

I found out later kids broke out with rashes, hair falling out, and other stuff. I never said anything to dad about that pond, again.

I always felt better, following my dad’s orders after that, no matter how hard the work was. I figured he must know something, that I don’t.

I think of that pond often and the lessons from that summer.

In the Bible Christ teaches us to call his dad father and nobody else. And to follow his father’s commands. Doing so, shows him, we love him.

Do you listen to your fathers orders or commands?

John 15:9

Love and Joy Perfected

“As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love. 10 If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept My Father’s commandments and abide in His love.