Doctors and Scientists

I ran into this video (8/15/2022) and thought it was something I should share with all of my friends and family so I’m posting it here today for those who received the shot and for those who did not receive the shot. I think these two scientists and doctors, as you will see have very respectable medical and scientific degrees. It was an eye opener to me.

A lot of you know I’ve got a little background in biogenetic manipulation.  I have zero, traditional education on dna manipulation.  However, my research in genetic manipulation indicates to me that it can NOT be undone after it’s been released into nature, unless it dies out.  Once a manipulated gene gets released into natural environments and replicates, that new altered species can’t be stopped unless it creates a species that naturally dies out do to replication weakness.  So in my poorly educated mind these two experts are confirming a man made human injectable DNA altering and release event has now taken place globally on humanity.  You will have to figure out what this means to humanity and who we are and how we live into the future.  I had read and understood early on this was a gene editing event, but what could this possibly mean in the future and what could be the expected outcomes?


This is going to escalate quickly.  Honestly, this really scares me, because we already see the effects.  This is a must read


click link below to watch video (This is all related)

Please go back to the beginning if needed.